The West Cheshire Talking Therapies service is available to anyone aged 16 years and over, with mild, moderate and moderate-to-severe symptoms of anxiety or depression, who are likely to benefit from brief psychological therapy.
Using a stepped care approach, the team provides screening assessments and psychological interventions to people with common mental health problems. There are a variety of ways in which they can offer you help depending on your needs, these include: computerised packages, group interventions and individual sessions (face to face, telephone and video) all at a time to suit you.
Our service covers all GP practices registered in West Cheshire.
Taking the first step to improve anxiety and depression might feel like a giant leap and that's why we have made accessing our services simple and straightforward.
Here is how you can get started:

Make a self-referral
You can self-refer through our easy and secure online chat by clicking on the pink balloon on the bottom-right of your screen, or via the self referral section on our website. Our online chatbot will ask questions about you, and how you are feeling so we can give you the most relevant and suitable treatment.
If you have any concerns or need help navigating the online chat our administration team are available on 0151 488 8348 between the hours of 9am and 5pm Mon to Fri, excluding Bank holidays.
GP/health professional referral
Talking Therapies accepts referrals from GPs or other healthcare professionals (e.g. health visitors or community nurses). Your GP may recommend our service to you and they can refer you directly.
If you are a health professional, you can direct patients to our online chat or alternatively you can use the Primary Care Mental Health template on EMIS.
It is important to understand that psychological interventions can be hard work, both during and in between contacts. It is important to realise that there will be no overnight changes; it could take time and commitment to benefit from therapy.
At the end of each contact with a psychological practitioner, tasks you will need to complete before your next session will be agreed so you can put into practice the knowledge and skills you learn. Your progress towards achieving your specific goals will be reviewed at each contact. Research shows that people who set goals and carry out ‘homework’ recover quicker and stay recovered for longer.
It is important that you are able to make a commitment to regular contacts; whether they are over the telephone, group or face to face sessions, to get the best from psychological help.
The team provides services across Western Cheshire. These clinic appointments are provided within local GP surgeries, community clinic venues, or hospital locations.
- Depression and low mood
- Panic Disorder
- Generalised Anxiety Disorder
- Health anxiety and medically unexplained symptoms
- Social Phobia
- Specific Phobia
- Single Incident Trauma (PTSD)
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
- Adjustment Disorder
- Bereavement and loss
- Insomnia
- Low self-esteem
- Anxiety/ depression in people with long term conditions
- Post-natal anxiety/depression
Opening Times
Monday to Friday: Administration team available 8am until 5pm. Appointments available 8am-8pm.