photo for employment.pngWithin West and Central Cheshire Talking Therapies we are able to refer eligible clients to a team of specialist Employment Advisors (EAs).

It is recognised that there is a link between being in productive employment and improved health outcomes.

The service is person-centred with the client’s needs paramount. The main focus of an EA is to provide practical advice and support to enable a client to remain in employment, explore new employment opportunities, or return to employment.

For example, if you were receiving treatment for depression related to your work situation, an EA could support with this. They may set small, realistic employment goals to improve your mood and motivation helping with that work situation. Or spend time understanding your work ‘triggers’ and find ways to minimise their affects.

The overall objective is to address the emotional challenges related to your work situation through integrated psychological treatment and employment support.

The service will talk through eligibility.

Carol was absent from employment for a period of two years as she cared for her parents up until their deaths. Carol suffered with anxiety due to this and went to talking therapies to help.


Whilst receiving therapy Carol felt employment would help with her confidence. Carol worked with her Employment Adviser to improve her CV, enhance her job searching skills and build up her confidence. The Employment Adviser also helped refine Carol’s interview skills, which eased her anxiety and supported her to be successful at a job interview for a care home.


Once offered the job, Carol was further supported with guidance on returning to work after a prolonged period of absence. She has now completed her training at the care home and through the support she has received from her therapist and employment adviser, her life has changed drastically for the better.

Jay was a logistics officer who has having issues with his current employer and wasn’t sure what he wanted to do with his career. He had a possibility of moving areas to be closer to his partner and wanted to look into possible training or employment that would allow him to be more creative. 


The EA supported Jay with understanding his skillset by first reorganizing his CV to highlight the skills he has developed throughout his career. Jay then went through an online software tool which supports customers to identify potential roles that suit their personality types.


He was also supported with his current role, completing a Wellness Action Plan to identify things he could do to help him feel happier in work.


Jay moved from job to job regularly he spoke with the EA about the reasons for this. The EA and Jay identified that he would be able to move up and develop more skills in logistics by staying at his current role and identified what he needed to sustain work in this area. This is what Jay decided to do and is currently working on upskilling, so he is ready for next opportunity.

Having someone listening to me had made me feel valued and allowed me to move on from the difficult situation at work and secure something better.”

“Working with my EA on time management it started to feel like everything else slotted into place. My stress levels have definitely come down and my confidence has grown now I have management strategies in place. I am able to problem solve better and I can ignore negative comments my colleagues make.”

“I can now think toward the future and aim to fulfil a life ambition. My self-esteem has improved immensely, and I have gained more self-confidence. I have been taught ways of being able to deal with any setbacks that may occur in the future and bounce back from them."

"I was resided in the fact that I was stuck in employment where I was so unhappy and living in a place where I don't want to be. Now I feel anything is possible, and I don't have to settle for things I am unhappy with. I can move forward and EA gave me the knowhow to do so.”